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Showing posts with label Selling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selling. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Ugly Truth: Selling is not an Artform - It's an Algorithm

"Selling is an Art" is A Lie.

In the world of sales, there's a pervasive narrative that "Selling is an Art." This perspective is often championed by sales management and trainers, painting a romanticized picture of the sales profession. But why is this narrative so prevalent, and what purpose does it serve?

At its core, the idea of selling as an art form is a motivational tool. By elevating the act of selling to the status of artistry, sales management and trainers aim to instill a sense of pride, purpose, and self-worth in salespeople. The underlying message was clear: you're not just pushing a product or service; you're crafting a masterpiece, engaging in a dance of persuasion, and creating a unique experience for the customer.

However, there's a darker side to the story, there always is. 

Framing selling as an art, is suggests that you possess a unique, almost mystical skill set that sets you apart from others. This leads to your inflated sense of self-importance, making you believe you hold a special place in the corporate hierarchy and the sales realm. In reality, you are a victim of a strategic move to keep you motivated, driven, and, most importantly, loyal to the company.

Friday, February 3, 2023

New to Copier Sales: The Three Levels of Prospects, Part 2

Today we’ll examine the second area of sales genres, the midsized companies, and opportunities.

See Part 1 of this series for an explanation and disclaimer about profiles.

We’ll talk about the midlevel prospects through three dimensions: the approach, the tools, and the expectations.
"Although end users at this level show interest in how your solution works, the pretty colors available, what buttons to push, etc. the real powers that be are looking at solving business problems. They will unconsciously place you in one of two camps: A simple salesperson selling simple tools or a person who has experienced and solved different problems for other companies."

Friday, December 9, 2022

The Greg Walters Show With Mike Stramaglio

Fly Me Too The Moon

New to the copier industry?  You want to hear the three things you should be doing to thrive in this world (of selling) and the next(of selling).

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Cutting Edge #Comedy is Offensive - So Is Cutting Edge #Selling

Arrested for comedy.

Good comedy is cutting-edge and offensive.
Good selling is cutting-edge and offensive.

Lenny Bruce. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

New to Copier Sales: How to Work With Your Technicians

It’s an age-old argument. “Without Sales, the lights don’t come on,” says the selling professional. “Without Service, you don’t get a paycheck,” says the seasoned service technician. Who is correct?

I’d like to share ideas about something I haven’t heard anyone address: the relationship between sales reps and your service department — more specifically, how to work with people who service your customers almost every day.

"Selling Copiers" - Art Post. Wisdom from the Windows to the Walls

Good friend and colleague, Art Post
has a great interview over at ENX.  I know the business model at ENX and if Art is getting space, he is worth the listen.

Here is a sample:

Based on your 40-plus years of experience, what do you think are the primary reasons you’ve been able to unseat incumbents and pull off net-new wins?


"For one, they don’t get enough training or support from their organization. A second thing is one of my biggest pet peeves: work ethic. They simply lack it. Ours is not a nine-to-five job; if you want to make nine-to-five money, go work for a fast food company. In my writing, I like to focus on the three Ds: desire, determination, and dedication. If you’re going to be successful in this business, you need to have the desire to succeed. 

You need to be dedicated to continuously learning. And you have to have the determination not to fail. That determination to see something from start to finish and not give up, to not give in. 

And I think that’s missing. It’s a reason a lot of good people fail. I believe you can’t teach desire; the desire to be the best is an innate trait salespeople must have in order to make money and succeed.0 

It probably applies to the top 20% of salespeople; after all, they say 20% of the salespeople make 80% of the sales."

Good stuff, full interview, here.


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Greg Walters, Incorporated