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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2023

How the Adult Film Industry Helped Shape Technology as We Know It

Sex sells, but it also inspires: How the adult film industry shaped the tech landscape we know and love.


Ok - here we go... a walk down memory lane and talk about the good old days of VHS and dial-up internet and porn. 

The adult film industry played a significant role in shaping the technology we use today. From the format wars to online streaming, porn was at the forefront of innovation. 

Today, as we enter the age of AI-based personal assistants, I'm left wondering: how will porn drive the evolution and standards? How'd porn impact tech in the past, and what it could mean for the future of AI.

First, we've been here before.  No matter how evolved one might think the human race is, base desires still drive progress in all things.  There's a coined phrase, "erotic technology impulse".  

John Tierney, a fellow at Columbia University studied the cultural impact of technology, traced the “erotic technological impulse” back at least 27,000 years—among the first clay-fired figures uncovered from that time were women with enhanced body parts. 

“Sometimes the erotic has been a force driving technological innovation,” Tierney wrote in The New York Times in 1994, “virtually always, from Stone Age sculpture to computer bulletin boards, it has been one of the first uses for a new medium.”


Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Land of Artificial Intelligence: Where SEO Goes to Die

Welcome to the future of search - where ChatGPT leads the way and SEO is a thing of the past.

Welcome to the Future.

This is why Google is freaking out
and the behemoth, Microsoft, dropped ten billion dollars in the lap of OpenAI - Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we work, access information and Live and the adoption curve is a straight line up.

"There is blood in the water."

Artificial Intelligence, or Augmented Intelligence, is transforming the way we access information and work, rendering traditional search engines and websites obsolete. The impact of AI adoption is causing giants like Google and Microsoft to invest heavily in the technology, with OpenAI receiving a ten-billion-dollar investment from Microsoft.

The future of the PC is often attributed to  
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
Thomas J. Watson, Jr., the former CEO of IBM, 1971

Monday, September 8, 2014

There Are No SEO Experts - #SToPiT!

#managedprintservices, #gregwalters, #mps, #sales, #seo, #searchengineoptimization, #traffic, #mysterymeansmargin, #pleasegoviral, #keywordsorcontent. #mysteryinSEO, #theSEOConspiracy, #UrNotReadinThis

I know this is going to ruffle some feathers, but my latest foray into the world that is the interweb has lead me to the above conclusion. Let me be even more precise: There is no such thing as an SEO expert in our industry. That’s going to hurt the few who claim to be guru’s and pundits - sorry.

It has been, and still is my belief that pure content is the best way to attract an audience. Google agrees. Their search algorithm seeks out fresh, organic content.

Traveling the world of content marketing and marketing content, I see parallels between this realm and the early days of managed print services.(MpS)

In the beginning, nobody really knew what MpS was or how to sell and support a profitable program - some still don't. Back then, there was a great deal of mystery in MpS so anyone who had the slightest insight vaulted to the rank of 'expert' - take it from me. Back then, one needed to have a few weeks more experience than everyone else.

Why No Experts, Greg?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Three Reasons Your Web Site Should Lead With Your Blog

I've been traveling cyber-land since the days of 1200 baud, BBS, and the MiRC was the only IM in the world. One thing I've seen again and again is how something is popular one moment then thirty seconds later, drab and mundane.  The connected world builds loves obsolescence especially with advertising/marketing.

Because of the internet, gone are the days when a Yellow Page ad or 12 year old billboard out front attracted customers.  Today, for now, its all about 'social media', 'keywords' and 'SEO Experts'.

I know, I know - you've listened to all the pundits (moi aussi) tell you to take those copier pics off and stop pitching logo's.  Great. Your clients don't care about logo's or brand names.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated