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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Death of the Copier: The Book is Here

It is official - at least in the E*Book version.  Death of the Copier, the Book is available on Amazon and iBooks as well as other places(SmashWords) and the print version is days away - just in time for the holiday season!

Unavailable on Google Play.

Not only are my words and ideas presented but the best and brightest in our industry contribute great insights.

Forward by Ed Crowley,  Founder and CEO of the worlds premier, managed print services consultancy shares views and insights about managed print services and beyond.

AfterwordMike Stramaglio, President and CEO of MWAi, a forward thinking, gentleman of industry, talks about the future and a dramatic generational change ushered in by the imaging industry.

Introduction by Robert Newry, past Managing Director of Newfield IT, a cutting edge, visionary of stellar proportions, introduces the section about assessments and tools.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Death of the Copier, the book...

Available soon  - Amazon, and a few Smashwords sites online - iBooks, Nook, in process.

I don not think I am putting on Google Play, on account Google is the new anti-christ, big-brother, establishment type organization that wants to build replicants and keep us all in their Cloud...after we die...spooky.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Is There a "Death of the Copier - Remake" in the Future?

Does a loud, supercharged, mad chariot of fury crap in the Australian desert?

"We don't need another hero..." - maybe, we do.

"I'm crushing you!" @1:40

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Greg Walters, Incorporated