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Sunday, January 1, 2023

Marc Benioff Is Wrong young, remote employees are Not hurting the company's productivity. It's the Software.

The pre-Covid commute has been replaced by entering data into the CRM.

Maybe Salesforce just isn't that good of a product. 

He overhired.  The market changed.  Remote professionals discovered that they don't need a manager.  Oh...and SalesForce isn't that good of a system its customers are old-school, command and control, status-quo, adhere to the process not deliverables, CYA, types that demand Walk Around Management, and define productivity as staying" between the lines."

And another thing - all these professors coming out of the woodwork and pontificating, are the propagators of the " old-school, command and control, status-quo, adhere to the process, not deliverables, CYA, types that demand Walk Around Management, and define productivity as staying between the lines." mentality - they taught it.

The world is in a place nobody has been before and comparing anything today with what was done just 48 months ago is foolish.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Greg Walters Show with Mike Stramaglio

Copiers, Family, and Frank.  

What is up with all the industry shows? A candid conversation about the changes we’ve seen in the industry over the past few decades – media, consultants, merges, OEMs, motorcycles, and Frank.  What’s around the corner and over the horizon.  Yes, there will be bourbon.  Yes, there will be Frank and maybe a cigar or two.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Today's Artificial Intelligence is Like an Abacus

"The ratio of total digital to total biological compute is the key metric to watch – it is rising incredibly fast..." - Musk.

This guy just Tweeted the above but there have been many (including me) saying for years, 'digital AI will always be artificial until computers are biologically grown, carbon-based*, and analog."

Digital is 'on and off' at a faster and faster rate. But nothing in nature acts this way.

The Difference Between Analog and Digital -

What did CIOs Read in 2022?

Inspired by the WSJ article, here.  Paywall.

Patton said it best, "...I read your book!"

Relevance, shared experience, and trust are currencies of the Post-Fear-of-Covid Age so knowing what your prospects view as important enough to spend time-consuming is a step in identifying with prospects and improving your worldly knowledge.

Will Artificial Intelligence Take Your (copier, MPS, IT) Sales Job?

Artificial Intelligence Tells You How to Sell Managed Print Services

I tried it.  I asked the screen, 

"How do I use artificial intelligence to sell managed print services?"

Then I asked it again.  I asked the same question twice and was given two separate responses.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Proof Social Media is Rigged

Diana Rigg as Emma Peal, The Avengers

How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate

The platform suppressed true information from doctors and public-health experts that was at odds with U.S. government policy.

Inspiration from an article about the connection between the US Government and ALL the tech companies written by David Zweig at The Free Press, here.

Summary via ChatGTP:

It is alleged that both the Trump and Biden administrations in the United States pressured Twitter to moderate content related to Covid-19 and the pandemic in a way that aligned with their agendas. The Trump administration was concerned with preventing panic buying and sought help from tech companies, including Twitter, to combat misinformation. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Attracting Employees Back to the Office: Challenges with the Supply Chain and Selling Office Technology

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are struggling to attract employees back to the office. This can be a challenging task, as remote work has become more popular than ever before and many people have grown accustomed to the flexibility and convenience it offers.

One of the biggest challenges companies face when trying to bring employees back to the office is the supply chain. The pandemic has disrupted supply chains around the world, making it difficult for companies to obtain the necessary supplies and equipment to create a safe and comfortable working environment. This can be particularly problematic for office technology, such as computers, printers, and other types of equipment that are essential for employees to do their jobs effectively.

To attract employees back to the office, companies must be able to provide a safe and comfortable working environment that meets all of their needs. This includes having the right office technology in place to support their work. However, with the supply chain being disrupted, it can be difficult to obtain the necessary equipment in a timely manner.

Monday, December 26, 2022

The Uncertain Future of Technology: Google & Facebook Will Not Survive.

It is difficult to predict the future of technology with certainty, as it is constantly evolving and new companies and technologies can emerge and disrupt the market. However, it is possible to make educated guesses about the direction in which technology is headed and to consider the potential challenges and opportunities that different companies and technologies may face.

One argument for the idea that Google, Facebook, and Twitter may not be a part of the future of technology is that these companies are reliant on business models that may not be sustainable in the long term. For example, Google and Facebook rely on targeted advertising as their primary source of revenue, which has come under increasing scrutiny due to concerns about privacy and the manipulation of public opinion. Twitter's business model is based on the sale of advertising and the collection of user data, which may also be vulnerable to changing regulations and consumer preferences.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas - 2022

How Does AI Learn?

Specifically, how does chatGPT learn?

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model, which is a type of artificial neural network that is trained to generate human-like text. It is trained using a process called pre-training, where it is fed a large dataset of text and learns to predict the next word in a sequence based on the words that come before it.

During pre-training, the model is not given any specific task to perform. Instead, it is trained to learn the statistical patterns and relationships present in the training data. This allows the model to capture the structure and style of the language it is being trained on, and enables it to generate text that is coherent and grammatically correct.

Friday, December 23, 2022

SNL D in a Box

#ChatGPT and the Albatross

So...this happened. 

I decided to test the #ChatAI thing-a-bob.

I said, "Tell me about the #albatross signifying doom and gloom."

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Greg Walters, Incorporated