About Greg and the Book


Thursday, April 18, 2024

"We Are the Gods Now - I haven't been struck down. I take that to mean I'm right."

"My Name is Peter Weyland And If You'll Indulge Me, I'd Like to Change the World"

Technology advancements:
  • 100,000, BC: Stone tools.
  • 4,000, BC: The wheel.
  • 800, BC: Sundial.
  • 9th century, AD: Gunpowder. Bit of a game-changer, that one.
  • 1441: The printing press -- only slightly less impactful.
  • 19th century: Steam engine. Railway. Eureka! The light bulb!!
  • 20th century: The automobile, television, nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, Internet.
  • 21st century: Biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission, and M-theory -- and that was just the first decade.
"We wield incredible power -- the power to transform, to destroy and to create again. The question, of course, before us is, "What the hell are we supposed to do with this power?" Or, more importantly, one should ask, 

The answer to that, my friends, is nothing. Rules, restrictions, laws, ethical guidelines -- all but forbidding us from moving forwards.

Why are rules preventing us from feeding impoverished cultures? 

How is there a law which states, "If we build a man from wires and metal -- a man who will never grow old, a man who will never feel the heat of a star or the cold of the moon -- how is the creation of such an incredible individual considered unnatural?"

Today, April 2024, we are experiencing a lull in the Ai movement.  But this pause is fake, a simple response to the overwhelming number of real and true advancements.  Ai images once were static and simple - today, Ai creates full motion videos based on a prompt.  Twelve months ago, robots were moving boxes between yellow lines, today, bipedal creations scale hillsides and dance the tango.

All stellar advances in spite of those who doubt, mistrust and doubt.  Themselves.

Regulation, abounds. 

Acts of desperation drafted by the ignorant line up for congressional approval.  Knee jerk regulation created, approved and implemented in less than a year to coral artificial intelligence and innovation.

Fear and self-distrust run amok time.*

What to do? Use Ai/LLMs every, single, day and encourage those around you to do the same.

These rules exist "because the people who created them were afraid of what would happen if they didn't."

There is the rub, dear reader, because it all comes back to You.  Everything from the Fear of Covid, the Work From Anywhere movement, to UFOs and UAPs has corroded our trust in exterior influences.  It is time for you to trust yourself, to think for yourself or at least begin to learn how to think for yourself.

It is time for you to embrace this new thing called artificial intelligence.  To seek out new horizons and boldly go. On your own.

Nobody is coming.  We are on our own. It is up to Us.  

* The phrase "fear and self-distrust run amok time" in this context highlights a period characterized by widespread panic and a lack of confidence among decision-makers. It reflects a time when fear-driven, hastily crafted regulations regarding artificial intelligence and innovation are being pushed forward. This scenario underscores a reactive rather than a proactive approach to governance, where rapid legislative actions—possibly lacking in informed judgment—are being made to control emerging technologies.

In such a climate, the drive for quick fixes to complex problems could lead to suboptimal policies that might stifle innovation rather than nurture it. It's crucial to strike a balance, fostering technological advancement while ensuring it serves the public good responsibly.

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