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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Words Only Mean What We Let Them

I love words and phrases.

The power of words, separates us from lower-order species - sure dolphins communicate with sound, but can a dolphin make a good Old Fashion?  No, dolphins cannot make an old fashion, drive a car or hit goofballs on the moon.

Words mean things.

I asked the super-duper AI thing to summarize the meaning of, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

This is what came back: 

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a proverb that is meant to encourage resilience and to suggest that physical injuries are more significant and lasting than verbal ones. It suggests that people should not be affected by hurtful words and should instead focus on ignoring or brushing against them. The phrase is often used as a way to encourage people to not let insults or verbal abuse get to them and to instead focus on building resilience and inner strength. 

 - Not Bad for an algorithm imitating speech patterns.

Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 Predictions - "After The Fire, the Fire Still Burns"

Past and Future According to Greg Walters

Here we go...

Upon an ocean of auguries and reflections, my contrarian tendencies pull me into ignoring if not despising each "end of the year" account and "predictions for next year".  So many articles and pontifications - it's stifling.  

Who needs it? 

Well, low and behold, I've surrendered to the waves, to the Fire.  Here is my contribution to the deadwood of 2022 and the albatross of 2023.

*SPECIAL NOTE IF YOU WANT TO SKIP TO SEE YOUR FUTURE SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN TO "Artificial Intelligence" becomes simply "Intelligent".*

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Marc Benioff Is Wrong young, remote employees are Not hurting the company's productivity. It's the Software.

The pre-Covid commute has been replaced by entering data into the CRM.

Maybe Salesforce just isn't that good of a product. 

He overhired.  The market changed.  Remote professionals discovered that they don't need a manager.  Oh...and SalesForce isn't that good of a system its customers are old-school, command and control, status-quo, adhere to the process not deliverables, CYA, types that demand Walk Around Management, and define productivity as staying" between the lines."

And another thing - all these professors coming out of the woodwork and pontificating, are the propagators of the " old-school, command and control, status-quo, adhere to the process, not deliverables, CYA, types that demand Walk Around Management, and define productivity as staying between the lines." mentality - they taught it.

The world is in a place nobody has been before and comparing anything today with what was done just 48 months ago is foolish.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated