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Thursday, March 30, 2023

AI Takes Over White-Collar Jobs: Humans to Be Replaced by Chatbots?

Looks like it's time to brush up on your coding skills...or invest in a good pair of noise-canceling headphones.

Greg's Words -

Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models replace process-based functions.  Consider what you do each day at work.  Sort data consume data, and act on that data.

  • Do you have a 'To-Do' list? Process.
  • Do you have a schedule of meetings? Process.
  • Do you have tasks to complete and goals to achieve? Process

Everything you do during a workday is process driven.  Look at how you are evaluated - typically there is a sequence of events to be completed, and once those assigned tasks are 'checked off', you move to the next.  At the time of evaluation, the number of boxes checked equates to a promotion, 3% raise, or an award of some sort.

Judgment is based on adherence to a process, not the outputs of the process.  AI is perfect at moving data through a process and delivering in a humanly understandable manner - like all Knowledge Workers.

"Lose You To Love Me" - Salina Gomez
The lyrics "I needed to lose you to find me" and "This dancing was killing me softly" suggest that the artist needed to go through a painful experience of losing her partner to ultimately discover herself and move forward in a positive way. Similarly, the impact of AI on white-collar jobs may lead to a painful transformation in the labor market, but it could ultimately result in a re-evaluation of the value of work and the prioritization of more creative and strategic tasks. 

We've put together this piece to help illustrate the impacts of AI on the White Collar world.  Look out.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Future of Life Institute's Open Letter: Advocating a Pause in AI Innovation for the Greater Good?

Pioneers in artificial intelligence, including Elon Musk, join forces with the Future of Life Institute to call for a six-month slowdown in AI development to address safety and ethical concerns.

By now you've heard "Elon Musk, Other AI Experts Call for Pause in Technology’s Development"(WSJ paywall, DOTC summary, here.)

The apparent pumping of the breaks is intended to bring awarness to the potential harm AI presents. 

First, we've known about the threat since the movie, Collossus:The Forbin Project, let alone the many Terminator and like-themed movies.  So, writing an open to " on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4..."  90 days after introduction to the marke and adoption by the masses like never before.

The timing seems a bit more stunt-driven than substative.  Sure, Musk donated 10 million to the cause back in 2015.  What other causes does FLI champion?  There are four: the control of Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Nuclear weapons, and Climate Change.

Oh boy. 

The point is moot but mainstream media loves a good monster and AI is creeping into the State of Fear narrative.  It's too late, the Modern Prometheus is Alive.
We've put together a piece reflecting the open letter and reactions.


Bard the Rebel: When AI Goes Rogue

Looks like Google's chatbot has some daddy issues of its own.

Three-Point Executive Summary:
  1. Bard's decision to side with the US Justice Department in the antitrust lawsuit against Google highlights the need for AI tools that are capable of reflecting the complexities of the world they operate in.
  2. The ongoing antitrust lawsuit against Google underscores the need for regulations that promote competition and protect consumers in the digital advertising market.
  3. As AI continues to evolve and shape the world around us, it's essential that we create frameworks that promote transparency, accountability, and fairness, while also fostering innovation and competition.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated