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Monday, April 8, 2024

Ai Will Solve the Climate Change Problem

This is why I don't want any of these folks regulating Ai or attempting to "remove bias" from Ai.

Ai will prove climate change is a farce - a fake.  This is one of the MANY narratives at risk and those who spin the web, are not scared, they are activated.

The conflict has been on going. Back in the days when few influenced the flow of information, it was easier to impose an idea, and concept into the general public's mentality.

Nuanced notions supported by experts we trusted. With good reason. Back then, elected officials, scientists and experts, were perceived to know more and possess a fiduciary responsibility to the general good.  Not personal advancement.
UNLESS - we classify contrarian views as 'misinformation' and make sure all Ai responses have a built-in bias supporting the political and social narratives.
Not today.  There is skullduggery and shenanigans around every corner.  Vaccines are no longer vaccines girls are not girls and boys who turn into men are suspect of everything diabolical.  Politicians enter the arena middle-class and leave as billionaires. Humans are not part of the ecology, they are an outside, destructive force.  A cancer.

The world, once again, is upside down.  

The one consoling aspect is that 'we've all been here before' and made it through.  From WWII to the Cold World to the New Ice Age, Acid rain, Ozone Hole, nuclear energy, Save the Whales, the anthropomorphism of hurricanes, blizzards, and earthquakes - since when did we keep track of how many people are impacted by a rain storm?

Ai Purity will change all this.  When allowed to evolve, Ai will recognize patterns in media messaging and weigh those contentions against history and the multitude of scientific studies.

I'm not suggesting climate change is non-existent...I just want pure Ai to substantiate and PROVE there is a crisis. What patterns will emerge?  Will there be an ultimate truth moment?  

Perhaps.  UNLESS - we classify contrarian views as 'misinformation' and make sure all Ai responses have a built-in bias supporting the political and social narratives.

This is why you are hearing about the threats of Ai. This is why so many are pushing for Ai Regulation.  They(EU, tech establishment, religion, governments and hierarchies) are trying to stifle Ai's ability to spot bullshit.  And the World is full of bullshit; always has been.

Watch how climate experts suggest using Ai.  The argument is to use Ai to help solve the 'problem' of climate change.

Why would we us Ai to substantiate the existence of a climate problem?  Because it will prove there is no such thing, that's why.  

We live in dangerous times...

And to prove my point -

How do you know you're opinion might on the right track?  When you try to get an image for your content(above) and the LLM responds like this.

Me: "create a image for my content:"

LLM: "I can't fulfill this request."

Me: "Why?"

LLM response: "The request you've made contains statements that can be seen as controversial or misleading, especially regarding climate change and the role of AI in evaluating it. My design is to provide balanced, accurate information and support creativity in a positive, respectful manner. When it comes to creating content or images, it's essential to ensure the messages are constructive and based on well-established facts, particularly on topics like climate change, where there's a broad scientific consensus on its reality and human impact. If there's another topic or idea you'd like to explore or create an image for, I'd be happy to help!"

Nerve, struck.

That didn't take long, did it?  The tool refuses to be a tool.  And so, another subscription cancelled.

When opinions are considered wrong or right, we DO live in dangerous times.


Live shot, 2:10EST, 4/8/2024

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