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Sunday, March 5, 2023

What Color is Your Loofa? - The Seven Colors of Asking (Prompting) Intelligently

Swimming in AI
A plethora of pleasures
Journey to the edge

Bing, ChatGPT, Watson...whatever. Like the days of Beta v VHS, there will be a standard, one day.  For now, it's time to swim within all the options, the lake of AI - feeding on what each has to offer.  

One Day there will be only one or two standard AI offerings, indeed, soon we'll have the option of employing our individual, unique, and personalized AI - like a Toy.  But for now, let's enjoy the plethora of pleasures through discovery.

The first step is learning how to ask; which is just as important as 'what' to ask. We interface with AI with more than questions, we use 'prompts'. 

In AI, a prompt is an input given to a language model to generate text, providing context and direction for the output, and its use has become a topic of ethical concern.

The World According to Greg. AI: You Need to Act Now

I'm not sure
my colleagues or contemporaries understand the gravity of what has happened and what is happening right now - not in three, 10, or 20 years from now. This very second.

AI eliminates spreadsheets, SEO, Websites, A/R clerks, CFOs, and middlemen - and dealers are middlemen.

In the last TWO WEEKS, I have noticed the number of ChatGPT connectors growing from a dozen to HUNDREDS.  

San Fransisco, that poop-on-the-sidewalk nirvana is even reporting an increase in VC events, growth in the number of residents, and more bootstrap companies - all in AI.

Seriously - whatever you thought you knew about AI in the copier industry forget.  That's not AI, that was rote, spreadsheet mechanics.

And forget about worrying over OEMs, their new machines, huge ink buckets,  or the annual numbers - they don't get it either.

Pay attention to the first OEM to tell you they've engaged AI to handle customer service calls.  DIRECTLY WITH THE CUSTOMER.  

AI eliminates spreadsheets, SEO, Websites, A/R clerks, CFOs, and middlemen - and dealers are middlemen.

If you think your future does not include AI, you are wrong.  

What should you do?

Learn ChatGPT.  Get a team together and figure out what it is, and how it can be used to increase sales, reduce costs and grow profits - for you, your clients, and your prospects.

Not today.  Yesterday.

Friday, March 3, 2023

The Risks of Using Chat-Based AI Systems: A Cautionary Tale

" the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open..." - M. Shelly
There are always challenges with new technology; it's been this way since the loom and since WordPerfect eliminated the typewriter.  So cautionary stories about ChatGPT and AI, in general, are bound to happen for three basic reasons:
  • Mystery - knowing about AI is far from knowing AI and the public barely knows AI.
  • Motion - this movement is traversing quicker than any other tech advance, ever.
  • Pre-programmed - we've been watching robots taking over the world since Mary Shelly unleashed the monster.  Fear of AI is almost at the DNA level.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated