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Monday, October 10, 2022

Bloomberg Asks - "Is the #Office More Important than Ever Before?"

Bloomberg posted a veiled 'back to the office' commercial highlighting Accenture and the importance of a centrally located, geographically common area for workers to adhere to corporate policies.

Commonly known as the 'office' - albeit the office of the late 20th century.

A $19 billion, one-hundred-year-old, global real estate advisory and investment firm, recognizes we are " longer living in a 9 to 5, 40-hour week work profile..." and the "Omni-connected world is defined by being in an office..." 

They also question the productivity of hybrid meetings.   How does anyone know if"hybrid meetings are underperforming..."? Compared to what, pre-Covid meetings? 

This is a nicely produced, visually attractive piece that lost credibility and my attention at the mention of ESG. Mentioning ESG is like the President recommending a Covid shot in preparation for a hurricane. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Buyers Put Procurement on a Faster Horse

A new report from Amazon, reflecting a survey of 440 respondents from four sectors, says most everyone in the B2B world wants to buy from Amazon.  

Go figure.

There are plenty of EComm advocates proclaiming digital buying the savior of a dying industry and to be fair, E-Commerce is the way of a future - maybe not yours.

Steer away from summary articles and agenda-supported opinions. The entire report is worth a visit. It is here.

But I must ask, "Does anyone besides me see this as another step into 'commoditization'?  Am I the only one?"

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Walt's Weekly Words - Week 15 - July 15

Walt's Spin

"What's old is new." A statement uttered by countless generations before and leagues to come. For me, and I am sure many timeline-compatriots, today's world seems eerily reminiscent. Certainly not identical, and more than nostalgic. 

More like a Renaissance.

Managed Print Services is still alive and experiencing a bump. Partly due to some pent-up demand and a reduction of IT resources.

The demand is provisional. I still believe pivoting into IT services is possible, not strictly because of an existing print-centric relationship as much as the supporting infrastructure of MPS practices is a solid foundation for the transition.

Sales and marketing will shift demographics and talk tracks, but needs assessments and proposals are parallel paths. But again, the demand for IT services has a shelf life.
Consolidation runs rampant, and the larger, establishments remain overconfident in their temporary position.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated