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Monday, July 6, 2020

Fourth of July, 2020 in Wisconsin

Kids in a pickup with water many laws broken.

The Fourth of July, 2020: 
  1. Attended an unsanctioned, non-corporate sponsored, 'illegal' 4th of July parade - kids on bicycles. The most patriotic 4th of July, ever. 
  2. Witnessed fireworks across the landscape - both illegal and certified. DID NOT SEE MORE THAN 5 MASKS. 
  3. Had a 'passionate' discussion regarding Columbus and statues with a collegiate sophomore. Yes. I went exactly as you think it did.
The Parade -

While sanctioned riots roll over the country, the cancel-culture wimps have cancelled most 4th of July events including parades.

It was a secret.  As the days of Paul Revere, times and locations spread via word of mouth, "There might be a parade at 11AM, pass it along."

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Why Are Copier Dealers Demanding Staff Return to the Office?

June 2020

The past few months, paid ‘experts’ yelled “change or die”.  It’s been a broken record for decades.  In the end, no matter how loud and often these pundits shout, “You are not changing!”, you HAVE changed – you ARE changed.  It is inevitable – everyone and everything transforms. 

Instructing us to change is nostalgic.


Today, in the turbulence that is Covid19 are the ways of 2019 still viable? Your customers have changed.  They now wish for fewer face to face meetings, prefer working with an existing relationship, and no longer consider “remote” a dirty word.  Many companies are moving to a remote working relationship with employees.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

#ArcDrive Easily Work From Anywhere

Make the move from paper to digital. 

#ArcDrive is affordable management and workflow processing. #ArcDrive is an affordable appliance that combines workflow, document capture, supply, and user management. Improve your accounts payable, accounts receivable processes, and enhance customer service. 

Convert paper into searchable digital documents and keep them at your fingertips - in the office or your family room. 
  • Do you still have piles of paper everywhere? 
  • Did Covid19 reveal challenges in your current workflow processes? 
  • Wondering why document management solutions are so expensive? 

We designed #ArcDrive to be affordable, easy to use on a familiar platform, without confusing conversations about clouds, and complicated software. 

Reach out to me to schedule a time to talk.

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated