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Thursday, February 8, 2024

The New Way to Perform an Assessment - Nobody Else is Saying This.

"The microphone setup is prominent, reinforcing the likelihood of podcasting, streaming, or frequent video calls. The screen displaying the World Economic Forum video suggests an interest in global economic affairs or business topics, which might be related to the work being done or just personal interest."

"Tell me about this room."

This space is a home office setup with multiple monitors, suggesting a tech-savvy user who may work on multiple tasks simultaneously. The mechanical keyboard and high-quality headphones indicate a preference for specialized, perhaps high-end, computing accessories, which aligns with a focus on performance and comfort. 

The presence of a microphone suggests that the user might engage in video conferencing or audio recording, maybe for podcasts or meetings. The workspace is compact, with everything within easy reach, showing a practical approach to the use of space. 

The coffee cup and notepad signal active use, possibly indicating a busy workday ahead or a work session in progress.

Missing the Culture of The Office? Here are Two Hours of Office Sounds

Quite possibly the cure for what the executives are suffering - instead of calling the workers back to the fields, pop this in the WalkMan and take solace.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Don't Let the Old Man In. " old would you be If you didn't know the day you were born."

Don't let the old man in, I wanna leave this alone
Can't leave it up to him, he's knocking on my door
And I knew all of my life, that someday it would end
Get up and go outside, don't let the old man in

Many moons I have lived
My body's weathered and worn
Ask yourself how old would you be
If you didn't know the day you were born

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Greg Walters, Incorporated