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Sunday, March 15, 2020

#ArcDrive - rSX Takes on Ransomware

Ransomware is attacking you, your kids, your parents, your company and your clients.

I am not making this up...

“Ransomware Attacks Double in 2019…” – McAFee
“Ransomware costs businesses more than $75 billion per year.” – Datto
“75% of companies infected with ransomware were running up-to-date endpoint protection…” – Sophos

But what is the standard approach?  Defend against infection, and back-up completely.  Once a ransomware strikes, it is all about recovery and remediation - all good and prudent but not very proactive, wouldn't you agree?  This means your daily back-up must be impeccable - when was the last time you tested your recovery plan?  Is BDR just another acronym?

Regardless, the statistics tell another story - average ransom demand went for $48,000.00 to $133,000. (Source: Sophos).  The average number of days impacted by ransomware is 16.

#ArcDrive - rSX is designed to stop ransomware BEFORE encrypting your entire dataset.  Through proprietary programming, your system is protected by always watching files, invisible to intruders and keen on recognizing and freezing nefarious activities.  Once frozen, your admin is notifying with the location of the ransomware, and a list of the files lost - a handful compared to the possible damage.

Your security stack is still viable, ArcDrive does not replace your existing protocols, it enhances them as the last line of defense.

#ArcDrive - rSX is the last line of defense in your existing security stack.


#ArcDrive -rSX plants sentinel files within the directories you want to be guarded - and they wait.  as soon as the nefarious programming starts to decrypt data,  #ArcDive - rSX initiates an alert and freezes all processes taking place on the infected device.  Within minutes, and unless cleared by your security admin, #ArcDrive - rSX can shut down the alarming device.

Back-up, disaster recovery is important and #ArcDrive - rSX is proactive - now remediation is the last option, not the first or only.

Contact us now, for a more in-depth conversation.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated