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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

iPad-Head-Girl and Cosmo for Men

There is something here - a bit creepy, and yet..alluring.

It's a marketing stunt promoting the new iPad App for "Cosmo For Men" - Cosmopolitan for men.

Sometimes irony needs to hit you right in the middle of the forehead - but do you see it here? Or should I get the "2x4 of Awareness"?

It's an advertisement, on iPads, for an app, for what used to be, and still is, a print magazine...!

Full, flippin, circle.

And don't get me started on the more than apparent 'stealth' application...

"I love you, Miss. Robot..."

Friday, July 29, 2011

MpS: From Infrastructure to Customer Facing - Behavior Modification - BeMod

Years ago, software like PrintAudit, FMAudit, PrintFleet, and even the most expensive 'free' software you will ever own, WebJet Admin, was the cat's meow.

We assessed everything we could see, solving the problems our industry created and nurtured for decades.  It was like hunting big game, with a TriCorder.

DCA's, servers, pie charts, security concerns, volume and fleet analysis, proactive service and desk-side toner delivery, automated meter reads, remote monitoring, and Quarterly Reviews were all considered "new and innovative".

And then, suddenly, we all had a DCA:  copier dudettes, VARs, office furniture salespeople, the OEMs, STAPLES, etc. - Hell, who DOESN'T sell MpS?

Today, all those super-duper, whiz-bang, features are table-stakes; either you got them, or you're a provider of little substance.

For those of us who do, now what?

It's getting crowded in here and we're all starting to sound the same.  How can we temporarily separate from the pack and keep our eye on the future?

What's next?  Stage 3?  Really?  EDM packages like Documentum?  Half of us just today learned how to spell "MpS and now we need to understand Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)?

How about our run-of-the-mill BTA guy, who finally figured out how to bill for Lexmark, HP, Brother, MICR, Oki, both connected and local, color and black/white, coverage from 3% to 80% - profitably?

Is the next stop Business Process Management -head to head with IBM or EDS?  Methinks not.

The answer?  "One-word kid, BeMod...BeMod" - is that even a word...??

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Greg Walters, Incorporated