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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Talking, Rumors Flying - IBM to take Xerox; HP Getting out of PC's, Oracle to Pick up HP

All over the 'Net:

"Samsung Eyeing HP's PC business" or not, Huh

The Unthinkable -

Business as Usual -

To Customers - "Business as Usual" - YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY TODAY.

To the Channel - "Business as Usual" - YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY TODAY.

Why -

How did we get here? - History, repeats

The Dude - Speaks

Android to the Rescue - TouchMy X

The DOTC read on all this...

"The Sky will Blow The Heavens into Stars" - The Future of our Imaging Industry, Xerox, IBM, HP, Content


Autonomy Corporation

"Autonomy is the market leader in the provision of software that automates the analysis of unstructured data, whether in the form of text, audio, images or video." - UBS, July 2008

The other day, I sat in on a webinar.  The fine folks at Lyra were presenting "Printing supplies market trends MPS" - yeah, I know, who the hell would sit in on one of these?

MpS Geeks, that's who.

Of course, the data presented has been fodder for DOTC for the past year; we will never get back the placement levels of 2008, A3 devices are dying(ahem), any recovery will be linked directly to the surviving dealership's ability to focus on workflow, not the box. We know this, correct?

Then a funny thing came up - OEMs are "rationalizing" their fleet offerings.  They are narrowing down the number of models.  


Friday, August 19, 2011

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! T1000 is here..."Sarah Connor...??

From: Teetering on the Edge of Chaos by Jennifer Ouellette at Cocktail Party Physics.

Original source: Sachiko Kodama “Morpho Towers — Two Standing Spirals”

Sarah Connor...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Summer of 2011: Integration, Re-Imaging, User MpS Profiles and DOTC Members Only

Optimize Everybody...

Oh boy, I am in the middle of the Anthony Robbins "Ultimate Edge...blah blah blah..." -  it's good, really, I mean it and someday I want a place on Fiji right next door.  So what better way than to study the dude.

He's humongous, you know.

Perhaps you don't know Anthony Robbins or what he does - in a nutshell, he helps point out the obvious to the oblivious.  He sounds sincere, is the consummate selling professional - always closing - and makes an impression.  He attracts - I guess that is one reason he has 'handlers' - huh.  Well, the material I am visiting is dated and timeless pointing out how so unaware we walk through Life.

The waning days of Summer 2011 entice a review of my journey these last 90, a Quarterly Review of sorts - who says our clients should be the only ones to get QBRs?  

This summer has been about breaking through Stage 1 and Stage 2 - wait, that's not 100% - before I could breakthrough, I needed to 'remember' Stage 1 and Stage yes, now I see S1/S2 completely.  Table stakes.  Temporary.

You can really change, by letting go of the restrictive patterns of our past and you can't let anything go until you remember.

MpS changes all of us, by making us aware, and helping us remember.

Anyway, this summer has been about integrating an MpS Practice into a VAR/MSP's Infrastructure, recognizing End-User's behavior, and Re-Imaging.  

Interesting thoughts. Everything starts with a thought.

MpS Will Migrate Downward - Lyra Acknowledges the Death of the A3(Copiers)

The Imaging Channel held a webinar where Lyra presented, "Printer and Supplies market Trends That Impact Your MPS Program",


I found the content interesting.

Some of the better comments:

"MpS is a Significant Threat to the Supplies Business"

"MpS should be the first step in engaging clients for overall managed services."

"A3 in decline and has been before MpS became 'sticky'" - The Death of the Copier.

"Everybody is considering mobile printing"

"The key to the recovery will be looking at workflow"

One of the questions from the audience was, "what are ITO and BPO?"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Imaging of Greg - "MpS: The Unifying Theory"

"Just over three years ago, when I started writing about copiers, MpS, technology, selling and pole dancing, I was one of three. Back then, if one were to Google “managed print services,” the dozen or so returns would’ve consisted of wedding invitation printers and “full-serve” print advertising providers.

There were few fleet monitoring alternatives and fewer proactive supplies management solutions. Hardly anyone mentioned cost reduction, business process, fleet optimization or phases. And nobody championed reducing costs by reducing prints, copies, or printers and copiers.

This isn’t to say nobody serviced printers or supplied toner. Yes, some were “optimizing” fleets, shifting volume, addressing document workflow and business process or managing hundreds of devices, but we..."

Get the rest of the story at The Imaging Channel blogs, The Imaging of Greg.

Go..go there now...

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated