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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Orlando, Transform and Get Off Your Glass - Mobile Business Intelligence, baby...

For the third year in a row, it is my great honor to be presenting at the Photizo, Global MPS Conference, Transform2012.

The first year, I talked about selling MpS internally, last year I chatted about building an MpS practice inside the traditional VAR.

This year, we'll have a palaver around remote work-forces, mobility and that nefarious or benevolent eye in the sky, The Cloud.  We'll throw in a dash of Big Data, for good measure.

A thrill packed 45 minutes bursting with goodness beyond MpS - oh the Joy!

Below you'll find a "teaser" (someday I will figure out how to build trailers) of my upcoming presentation.


Click to email me. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Tablet is To Print as The Cloud is To IT Services: The Death of I.T.

 I.T. Services"...that's a wrap..."

When filming a scene in a movie, once the director has what he needs on set, and the filming is complete, somebody will announce, "That's a wrap!" indicating the end of the scene, show, or movie.

Then they celebrate the completion and bash-out at the "Wrap Party".

While sitting in the first day of presentations at an industry symposium, Lyra 2012 - I had an epiphany.

The days of IT departments, IT VARs and CIOs are numbered.  The ending scene is being played out before us.

Off camera, an anxious Director is about to announce, "That'a a Wrap, people..."

That's right.  Wrap it up.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Transform 2012, Managed Print Services as a Spice...

Use code SPICY20 get 20% off registration - and come see me speak about stuff...

Click to email me.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, To Me...


In what can only be interpreted as a glaring example of "writing for an audience of One, me..." - I am penning this happy birthday wishes to non-other than, Me.


I was born the same year the Seattle Space Needle was erected. (he, he...I said erected)

On this day in 1962:

- Beatles sign their 1st contract with EMI Parlophone - I cannot stand the Beatles...
- Laser beam successfully bounced off Moon for 1st time - 'bounced' and 'Laser beam' in one sentence, poetic...
- US performs an atmospheric nuclear test at Christmas Island - 'Christmas' and 'nuclear test' in one sentence, foreboding...

Happy Birthday, Greg.  Thank you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

"No, not Less paper, Paperless..."

"The paperless era is upon us, people."

This video cracked me up. No matter how the big OEMs or companies that produce paper spin it, the time is now.

Still, these 'pro-paper' ads are amusing and well produced.

"I read it in this report..."

Cute, smart, engaging and out dated - these were obviously done before the latest advances in personal access display devices or BYOD - how soon before these are seen as nostalgic and reminiscent of a bygone age?

Brought to you by Domtar.

About Domtar:

"Domtar is the largest integrated manufacturer and marketer of uncoated freesheet paper in North America and the second largest in the world. As such, we:

Design, manufacture, market and distribute a wide range of paper products for a variety of customers, including merchants, retail outlets, stationers, printers, publishers, converters and end users.

Manufacture business and office paper, commercial printing and publishing paper, as well as specialty and converting paper."

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Crazies...


Here is to the crazy ones on MisFit Island, the Rebels, the Trouble Makers. Here's to the Round Peg in the square holes

We who see things differently. We are not fond of rules and loathe the status-quo

Quote me. Disagree with me, vilify and call me disgruntled

I dare you to ignore me; you cannot ignore us

Pushing to the Edge, the Crazy Ones

We are Contrarian Technologists

Click to email me. 

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated