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Sunday, March 8, 2015

"Managed Print Services? Never heard of it. I sell machines and disaster recovery..."

pariah |pəˈrīə|
1 an outcast: they were treated as social pariahs.
2 historical a member of a low caste in southern India.
It wasn't long ago, the darling of the dance, managed print services, was filled with wonder and promise. Like Carrie's senior prom, that bucket of toner came crashing down spoiling mood and prom dress alike.

Yes, it is true - managed print services has become the industry pariah - oh how the mighty have fallen. Supplanted by help desk, email, and disaster recovery the lowly printer has left the stage.

Managed print services has ended up meaning little more than service and toner delivery leveraged to lock customers in, expand shelf space and drop more machines in field. But that wasn't what MPS should have been.

It had the potential for so, so much more but we couldn't handle it.  True mps is huge, expansive and all inclusive; a concept including printers and wireless routers, scanning, digital workflow, and the paperless life.

Too Big for Most People's Mind -

They invited managed print to the prom, put her on stage. Then, in a pre-planned scheme, they attempted to shame and belittle.  Unlike Carrie's story, the devious ones here understood the overwhelming power of a new business model.  Instead of simply embarrassing the concept, the sought to destroy it.  They've succeeded.


"...And the raven was called sin..."

The prom is over.  But there is always another dance, another Carrie.

Let's try something that isn't tied to OEM hardware. Indeed, let's start proposing and selling ideas that ROMOVE hardware from the equation(one possibility derived from mps). The scary truth is your prospects and customers are doing it right now, with or without you.

Would you like to learn more about how your business could move away from OEM driven quotas?

Reach out to me.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

MPSA Elects New Board and Executive Committee

CHARLOTTE, NC - The Managed Print Services Association is pleased to announce its new executive committee and board of directors. Elections were held during January and February, and the new officers were chosen from the largest slate of candidates in MPSA history.

The newly elected MPSA executive committee consists of:

President: Kevin DeYoung, Qualpath
Vice President: Doug Bies, Canon USA
Secretary: Sarah Henderson, West Point Products/Clover Technologies
Treasurer: Lou Stricklin, Muratec America

“I’m pleased to continue to be part of the MPSA and honored to serve as president,” said incoming President Kevin DeYoung. "The ongoing vision of the MPSA is to continually embrace all industry participants in a collaborative and noncompetitive environment as we strive together to provide the necessary industry standardization, education and removal of barriers to provide growth and high value for all businesses, be they provider or end user, within this sector.”
The newly elected board of directors consists of seven members: Six members were chosen during the elections, while the outgoing president, Greg Walters, will hold the seventh position.

Ron Alphin, Distribution Management/Supplies Network
Kim Louden, GreatAmerica Financial Services
Kevin Morris, OneDOC MPS
Robert Palmer, BPO Media
Brian Stevenson, footPRINT Managed Services
Jenna Stramaglio, MWA Intelligence
Greg Walters, Greg Walters Inc.

The 11 members that will guide the MPSA for the next two years have some of the most extensive experience in the imaging channel and represent independent dealers, financial services, OEMs, the largest global consumables manufacturer, leading media and research, cutting edge software and independent consultants.

The new officers will be welcomed to their new positions at the board meeting at the ITEX show in Ft. Lauderdale, March 11, 2015.

If you are not currently a member of the MPSA, this is a great time to get involved and help shape the dialog. Join an international group of professionals from every aspect of the imaging industry:

About the Managed Print Services Association

The Managed Print Services Association (MPSA) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that serves the MPS industry. Its focus is on the development of standards, education and industry guidelines that unite the different segments of the industry that bring value to all those participating. Learn more about benefits and memberships.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Managed Print Services, Copier and IT Sales Employment: More Signs or Bucking Trends?

The business landscape is improving in all directions, but check out these employment charts from

managed print services Job Trends graph

managed print services Job Trends Managed Print Services jobs

Manage print services spiked back in '09, yet looks like its about to either level or fall off a cliff.

The roller coaster that is copier sales! A bump in 2010.  Still, my neck hurts just looking at it.

The 'other side of the fence' is experiencing a slow bleed.  IT sales futures "ain't what it used to be..."

Mother Blue's, Mps evolution is trending...

Home building is creeping up.  Is this another sign of the recovery?  How many construction sites need copiers?

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Greg Walters, Incorporated