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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Greg Walters - On The Radio Talking Bourbon

I was on the radio.

No really. Somebody, somewhere, somehow, was impressed enough to risk putting me in front of a mic and letting me talk - about BOURBON no less.

And bands.  And Oconomowoc, Wi.

The times were fun.

Monday, April 13, 2020

#Sales - How to Write an Article.

Cute! And so innocent.

Everyone is telling you to 'create content', get out on LinkedIN, build your brand, on and on.

It's easy to do, you just "...sit at the keyboard and bleed..."

I've been writing blogs and articles since 2008 - for Xerox, Ricoh, most of the industry journals and The Death Of The Copier. From LA to Orlando to Sydney to Tokyo.

There is no magic, but I've learned a thing or two and I'd like to share a bit with you:

After the Virus: How to Design and Implement Your Wuhan Recovery Plan

Innocent Enough?

For the first time in history, the economies of the world have been ground to a halt.

We've never been here before and nobody knows exactly what is in the future. The "new world of work", "the new economy", "the new way of selling", "the new way of buying" is upon us, but there are NO TEMPLATES.

There are no EXPERTS.

Your peers and colleagues have decades of experience. If we could share our expertise, building a recovery plan will be easier.

That's exactly what we are proposing. This Zoom session will be a local and collaborative discussion around recovering from the Covid19 economic impact.

How are you going to plan for recovering in the following areas:

Friday, April 3, 2020

#WorkingFromHome Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Remote Working and Home Schooling...

I wonder how everyone is going to feel when parents discover home school is actually better than classroom driven social agendas?

At home, you can truly be any gender you want, even ‘binary’ without fear of persecution. Parents can teach sex as something two people, a man and a woman (not that there’s anything wrong that) do together. Mom can tell stories about the Revolutionary War, The family can Watch Saving Private Ryan and the talk about it AROUND the dinner table.

Aunt Beru can come over and teach gun safety.

I Will Raise This...

Sunday, March 15, 2020

#ArcDrive - rSX Takes on Ransomware

Ransomware is attacking you, your kids, your parents, your company and your clients.

I am not making this up...

“Ransomware Attacks Double in 2019…” – McAFee
“Ransomware costs businesses more than $75 billion per year.” – Datto
“75% of companies infected with ransomware were running up-to-date endpoint protection…” – Sophos

But what is the standard approach?  Defend against infection, and back-up completely.  Once a ransomware strikes, it is all about recovery and remediation - all good and prudent but not very proactive, wouldn't you agree?  This means your daily back-up must be impeccable - when was the last time you tested your recovery plan?  Is BDR just another acronym?

Regardless, the statistics tell another story - average ransom demand went for $48,000.00 to $133,000. (Source: Sophos).  The average number of days impacted by ransomware is 16.

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated