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Sunday, June 4, 2023

DOTC 2022 Beyond the Internet: The Evolution of Global Connectivity

The Death of the Internet and Other Ramblings...

DOTC, 2022 remastered.

The original article was written in 2022. I've fed it to the LLM in the sky and asked to rewrite and incorporate its suggestions.

Enjoy. GW

Executive Summary:
  1. As we approach a new era of technological singularity, there are several indicators suggesting the demise of the Internet, including the shift towards cloud-based services, increasing privacy concerns, the diminishing relevance of traditional internet addresses, and the rise of Bio/Nanotechnology and direct device-to-device communication.
  2. The evolution of technology is characterized by cycles of expansion and contraction, with the next expansion anticipated to move from the cloud to the human, leading to a global, person-to-person network.
  3. The future may see a world where everything is interconnected through solar-powered, self-replicating, nano-bio-bots, rendering the concept of servers redundant as each individual and object becomes its own server, communicating directly with others.

As we edge closer to a new era of technological singularity, we may also be standing on the precipice of the end for the Internet as we know it. This year, the World Wide Web, the addressing vehicle for the internet, celebrates its 25th anniversary. Despite its relative youth, I believe we are witnessing the early stages of the Internet's demise.

The Indicators of Change:

There are several indicators that suggest this shift:

  1. Adoption of Edge Computing: The move towards Edge Computing, where computation is largely done on distributed device nodes close to where data is produced, is a significant shift away from centralized, internet-dependent structures.
  2. Decentralization and Blockchain: The rise of Blockchain technology, which is inherently decentralized, indicates a move away from centralized control and potentially from traditional internet structures.
  3. The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT): The rapid growth of the IoT, where devices are increasingly connected and communicating directly with each other, suggests a shift towards a new form of networked communication.
  4. Advancements in Neural Interfaces: Companies like Neuralink are developing technology that interfaces directly with the brain, potentially allowing for communication and connectivity that bypasses traditional internet infrastructure.
  5. The proliferation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): The rise of DAOs, which operate through smart contracts on a blockchain, indicates a move towards decentralized systems that don't rely on traditional internet structures.

The Cycle of Expansion and Contraction in Technology:

The evolution of technology has always been characterized by cycles of expansion and contraction. The migration from mainframes to PCs, then to laptops, tablets, and smartphones, and back to cloud computing exemplifies this cycle.

As we become more comfortable with our data residing in the cloud, we are poised for the next expansion - from the cloud to the human.

The Rise of Peer-to-Peer:

The ultimate form of connectivity will not be between us and a server, but between individuals - a global, person-to-person network. This shift towards a peer-to-peer model is not only secure and economically viable, but also sidesteps the need for centralized control.

This isn't a new idea. In the '80s, the networking software Lantastic allowed PCs to connect peer-to-peer. Although the technology wasn't mature enough at the time, the concept was sound.

The Future: Inhaled Devices and Smart Walls

As technology miniaturizes, we are personally expanding to a point where mechanical aids may no longer be required for growth. This could lead to a world where EVERYTHING is interconnected, from our wearable devices to the IoT-enabled devices in our homes and cities.

We may see a future with nanobots that are integrated into all aspects of our environment, potentially transforming each individual and object into a node in a global network, communicating directly with others.


This vision of the future may seem far-fetched, but it's not completely implausible. As technology continues to evolve, we could see a future that is more connected than we could ever have imagined - a future where the Internet, as we know it, is a thing of the past. And when that day comes, remember this as the day someone proclaimed the death of the Internet. Your children's children will know this day because they'll be connected to everything that ever was.

Written by Greg_Walters

Tweet: "Is the Internet as we know it heading towards obsolescence? In this blog post, we explore the indicators of change and the future of global connectivity. Are we ready for a world beyond the Internet? #AI #Internet #Connectivity"

LinkedIn Post Introduction: "Have you ever considered a world beyond the Internet? It might seem unthinkable now, but we may be witnessing the early stages of the Internet's demise. In our latest blog post, we explore the evolution of global connectivity and the indicators that suggest a shift away from the Internet as we know it. Join us as we delve into the rise of peer-to-peer models, the advent of Bio/Nanotechnology, and the future of interconnectedness."

Comma Delimited List of Keywords: "Internet, technological singularity, global connectivity, Microsoft iOffice, Snowden Effect, ICANN, Bio/Nanotechnology, Apple's 'beam', wireless mesh, peer-to-peer networking, Lantastic, inhaled devices, smart walls, nano-bio-bots"

Search Question: "What are the signs indicating the end of the Internet as we know it and the evolution of global connectivity?"

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