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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Artificial Intelligence And Your Dealership: The Next Managed Print Services?

Did you know that back in 2009, the term 'managed print services' was met with outright disdain? Dealers and OEMs would exclaim, 'Shrink the fleet to reduce costs? That's heresy in a world built on selling copiers!' Fast forward to today, and we're on the cusp of another paradigm and the most significant shift—this time, powered by Artificial Intelligence.

As Andrew Ng, co-founder of Google Brain and a leading voice in AI, puts it, 'AI is the new electricity.' Just as electricity transformed numerous industries over a century ago, AI is poised to do the same today. 

So, is AI merely the new MpS, or is it something far more transformative?
  • Mckinsey: $4.4T of value added world-wide annually
  • 80% of all jobs are subject to being enhanced by Generative AI
  • In just the last year, a staggering 400 AI start-ups have emerged, gobbling up an eye-watering $24.6 billion in investment. Source: Visual Capitalist

For the last six months, I've been using Artificial Intelligence (AI)in the form of a Large Language Model (LLM) every single day - cutting edge.  More like bleeding edge.

Why aren't you using AI? Today?

I've been here many, many times before. Technological revolutions over the years; mini to PC, the internet, PCs, laptops, DOS, Windows, networks, the cell phone, WIFI, Bluetooth, on and on and on.

I spoke with a veteran in managed print services, who shared his initial skepticism. 'We were selling hardware, not managing it,' he said. His perspective offers a glimpse into the human element of technological change, highlighting the resistance and eventual acceptance that often accompanies innovation."

Of all the changes, advancements and evolution, this one is the most significant - some say AI is the 'next level', as significant the invention of the automobile, the printing press, loom.

It is more.  The artificial intelligence movement is more similar to the invention of the wheel and the discovery of fire.

But I think it is more.  AI and specifically, the mass acceptance of large language models utilizing AI, is more than the wheel, fire, or invention of clothing.

AI is akin to mankind's ability to create the spoken word - That's right, in my opinion and based on my observations, today's AI holds the exact same significance as mankind's creation of language.
  1. AI streamlines and automates every task that utilizes a process.
  2. AI is not a shortcut into and for existing applications; AI replaces the need for humans to interface with existing applications.
  3. The most significant thing I've learned is with artificial intelligence, there is no hyperbole.
To bring this all back to Earth, let me tell you how I use AI, every, single, day:

I use the tool to:
  • Assist in content.
  • Check my content.
  • Write emails, subject fields, etc.
  • Research multiple, long form articles
  • Summarize multiple articles.
  • Create content.
  • Write up assessments.
  • Write proposals.
  • Marketing emails.
  • Write simple contracts as a base for more complex.
  • Analyze lease documents.
  • Take notes during - transcripts
  • Online Meetings - transcripts
  • Live Streams - transcripts
  • Integrate transcripts into new content
  • Image generation - for articles
It may seem like a lot, but it isn't and there is so much more to come.  Generative AI is in the 'finger painting' phase in evolution. Twenty-four months from now AI will be more than everywhere, so ubiquitous we won't even notice.

I'm not a programmer. I'm just a person doing a job, anxious for shortcuts and time savings WITHOUT weeks of training or orientation.

I loathe learning new software.  The little secret is this: You can pick up the in's and out's of AI and start saving time, today, right now.  It is Easy.

Using AI, today, is an imperative.

I'm serious - if you are in the field, a down the street sales rep or a boardroom jockey, Enterprise Account Exec, small dealership in the South, or one of the mega-dealers -- 

Every. Single. Day.

Not to improve your revenue, or market position. You should be prompting AI to establish your place in the future.

What you should be doing right now and if you're just starting out, you are already behind.

Saying it and doing it are two different things. 

Here's how dealers can incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) as an opportunity to provide services to their clients amidst the evolving office landscape:

Internally - Drink You Own Champagne

Tell every employee do something, anything, everyday, with AI by the end of the year.  Do this. Forget about 'responsible' AI or giving away your company secrets. Nobody cares about your financial statements, cost levels or street pricing.  Nobody.

Charge your most curious C-level employee to study AI & LLMs:
Take this seriously. Have someone commit a minimum of one day a week to the task.(I believe this to be an insufficient amount of time.) Knowledge of internal functions unique to your organization

Hire a fractional, Chief AI Officer: 
Look OUTSIDE your company, find a contractor, not an employee. With AI, you're going to want the best opinions NOT encumbered by established policies and vision. 
Externally - What Can you Do for Your Clients?

AI-Powered Office Efficiency Consultations:
Offer AI-driven analyses to businesses to optimize their remote or hybrid office setups. By using AI to analyze work patterns, communication flows, and technology usage, dealers can provide insights and recommendations to enhance productivity and collaboration, regardless of where employees are located.

Smart Equipment Rentals:
With the integration of AI, office equipment you become "smart." Dealers can offer rentals of AI-enhanced printers, scanners, and copiers that can predict maintenance needs, optimize ink usage, and even suggest document organization strategies. These smart devices can be integrated with cloud services, ensuring seamless operations for remote and hybrid teams.

Virtual AI Support Assistants:
Provide your clients with AI-powered virtual assistants for troubleshooting and support. Not unlike the traditional data collection agent, these AI bots can quickly diagnose issues, guide users through solutions, and even predict potential challenges before they arise. This ensures that clients receive immediate assistance without the need for human intervention, making remote tech support more efficient.

AI-Driven Data Analytics for Office Utilization:
For businesses still maintaining physical offices, offer AI-driven analytics tools that monitor and analyze office space utilization. This can help businesses understand peak office times, space usage, and even predict future office needs, allowing them to make informed decisions about real estate and office design.

When MpS hit the market, there were folks who engaged, making it up as they went, those who sat on the sidelines and those who stayed the old school course criticizing and mocking the movement.

AI is different.  

You don't have time to wait, and "throwing grenades" is more self-defeating than ever before.  Everyone will be using AI in some capacity, every single day.  From your mother to F100 C-levels.  Not in 10 years.  This time next year, we will have progress 10 years.  

This is changing everything; trademarks, the nature of work, the foundations of capitalism, and the fabric of society.


Moore's Law is defunct.  We are approaching the speed of light. If you're not in or "waiting to see" you are already lost.

Stop fighting evolution.  Stop running in fear. Stop making this hurt.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated