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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

#WorkFromAnywhere is a Culture

One of the arguments for a "back-to-the-cube" is corporate culture will be negatively affected when employees are not in close physical proximity.

This is false and manipulative.  

Corporate Culture supports company ideals, values, and mission.  I have yet to see a mission statement that includes "a place where all employees can work together under one roof, for 12 hours a day"

Instead of vilifying the work from anyway movement, better organizations will renegotiate property leases, redesign the promotion process, 

Organizations with a #WFH culture will CERTAINLY create ways to 'promote' and build careers within the organization.

But wait...perhaps we're thinking of this completely wrong. 

#WFH changes everything. 

Perhaps the 'new' career path is yet to be created yet. Maybe, we don't know how the new culture will evolve.

"hybrid" and corporate culture claims are lies and trojan horses. The establishment, the old skool, the status quo, will cease to exist when #WFH becomes the norm.

If you don't want to work in a cube, report to an office at 7:30 AM after a 45-minute commute, sit in on empty meetings, listen to know-nothing middle managers pontificate company dogma, engage in another commute home at 6:00 PM to cold dinners, and missed Little League games, seek out organizations who feel the same way.  Find companies that understand office space leases are not as important as employee wellbeing.  

Be patient, don't let your current bosses know you're looking, tow the corporate line, feign loyalty (like they have for decades) and keep your eyes open.  

The New Way of Work is still evolving. Look for them better organizations to rise, slowly, above the fray.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

#WorkFromHome or #WorkInACube: The Choice is Yours

Do you know how much the corporate BBQ, Christmas parties, and other events cost your company?  

Sure, it's nice to go see a baseball game or get to sit in the corporate suite for a basketball game...yet...consider this: 

Would you rather get dressed up, hear a band, eat good food and listen to an executive pontificate with a bunch of co-workers or receive a check for the amount your company paid for the event? (divided among employees) Maybe use that money to take your significant other out on a date.

Does your company sponsor a minor league baseball team? Why?  
Do you see your company's logo all over your "free" swag? How many copiers do you need to sell, in order to buy 14,000 logo'd coffee mugs?  Sure, vendors kick down funds in support - what's in it for them?

We've been trained to believe these events are acts of kindness or perks from our benevolent employers, and for the most part, we're all appreciative.  

But that was the old model, the pre-Fear of Covid way. Today is different.  Today, you are different.

I dare you to ask for the company's internal "entertainment" budget.

The point is this: you are a 'Resource'(go ask Human Resources) and resources are meant to be used to the maximum for minimum cost.  

There is nothing wrong with this model, it is revenue-cost=profit and what we sign up for when we work to support somebody else's dream. (No shame)

It's just that now we can recognize the manipulation - this is a "Red Pill, Blue Pill" situation. 

Blue Pill: Buying into the dogma and believing the narrative you’ve been lead to believe is the truth.

The Red Pill: The Truth

The choice is yours.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated