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Friday, December 16, 2022

Merry Christmas - 2022

Time passes.

It started in the winter of 1980 remaining a tradition for another four years. Out the window from the 9th-floor dorm room.

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

A-B-C "Always Be Cobbling"

"Oh, yeah.  I used to be in sales.  It's a tough racket."

Don't blame the tools, the weather, the time of year, the recession, the war, the President, your manager, your OEM, or your dog.

Ten Voices of the Industry - 2023 Reflections & Prodictions

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Merry Christmas - When did 'they' ban The Little Drummer Boy? Detroit, 1991


From Wiki -

The Little Drummer Boy is a stop motion television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions, based on the song of the same name. It was first televised in Canada on December 15, 1968 on the CTV Television Network, followed four days later by its American nationwide release on NBC. A sequel was broadcast in 1976.

Friday, December 9, 2022

The Greg Walters Show With Mike Stramaglio

Fly Me Too The Moon

New to the copier industry?  You want to hear the three things you should be doing to thrive in this world (of selling) and the next(of selling).

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Indiana Jones 5. One. Last. Time.

OGs Rule, GenX, Mils, Z, et al, drool.

"But a few times in my life, I've seen things.  Things I can't explain and I've come to believe it's not so much what you believe, it's how hard you believe it."

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 7, 1942 Pearl Harbor

It was a Sunday morning.  Ben Affleck is nowhere to be seen.

As golfers started off, civilians went to church and sailors woke up with hangovers, Mitsibushi-powered planes dropped bombs and staffed American battleships, and soldiers.

So it began.  The sleeping Giant was kicked in the chin, and he was pissed.

The end would come three years later over two cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  

To this day, still the ultimate, "F around and find out".


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Looking for productivity in the Hybrid Office? "You're digging in the wrong place."

A new report, "HOW HYBRID WORKING FROM HOME WORKS OUT", reveals a few interesting points after studying the #Hybrid work environment to an in-the-office model; results, are inconclusive.

    When it comes to the new way of work, I feel 100% #WFH is more productive than the #Hybrid model.

From a purely 'man on the street' perspective -  I have always FELT hybrid would negatively impact overall productivity when compared with 100% #WFA. 

From the report:

Monday, December 5, 2022

Connecting the Dots: How the Copier Industry Pioneered Modern Business Models

You Think I'm Crazy When I Connect the Dots

Humans tell immortal stories about figures in the sky. Illusions are created by drawing imaginary lines from one point of light to another and another and so on.

Connecting the dots illuminates a pattern and tells a story.  For instance, do you understand the following 'lights in the nighttime sky'?

Alnitak - a triple star system located at a distance of several hundred parsecs from the Sun
Alnilam - a massive, blue supergiant star some 2,000 light-years distant
Mintaka - a multiple-star system some 1,200 light-years from the Sun

Three seemingly singular points of light, to us, form the belt of the constellation Orion - visible throughout the world.

We are adept at making connections and telling stories - it is in our nature. 

At first, industries appear unrelated and vaguely disconnected. But just like the constellations, when observed from afar and with a fanciful imaginative eye connected, great stories are revealed.

As more disparate items converge, a common thread(technology) is observed between and defined. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Am I the only one who thinks China has weaponized #TheFearOfCovid and is attacking the supply chain?

They have a "1,000-year plan..."

The question is this:  "If one country wanted to take down the US, would they be able and willing to do it with guns, missiles, and troops, or is there another way?  Why would there be motivation to do so in the first place?"

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Numbers Up, Volumes Down, and A3 or A4, "Just. Doesn't. Matter."

Do dealers exagerate?  Hell yeah, we all do, every single day about every single thing to every single person we meet.

Over the past 5 months, I've heard more and more positive feedback about sales than I have in the past 36 months.  

The first inkling was tales of customers initiating leases without expecting delivery for 120 days.  When was the last time a customer would willingly wait more than 30 days for their device?

Heard in the back alleys and sidebars of the industry:

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Greg Walters, Incorporated