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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Cyber CEOs: The Rise of AI-Assisted Leadership

From scheduling to drafting emails, artificial intelligence is reshaping the corporate world and executive support roles.

Greg's Words

It's happening right now.  AI is eating the world, one process at a time, millions of times a second.

The C-Suite understands that data, reports, and scheduling can be accomplished by the great AI in the Sky.  The administration position is on the path to obscurity. Once the AI in the sky connects with airline, travel, and hotel apps(and the millions of other kinetic applications) the circle will be complete:
Everything from ordering lunch, delivering groceries, booking flights, and getting tickets for the play/game/concert will be handled by our unique and personal assistant - The AI.

Imagine the myriad of other jobs and positions that will disintegrate - office jobs.  Jobs that once typed documents, then printed, copied, digitized, stored, and moved data by "hand".  Gone.

Executive Summary:

  • Executives increasingly rely on AI for content creation and administrative tasks
  • Personal assistant roles are diminishing, while AI adoption accelerates
  • The impact of AI on communication and support staff raises questions of efficiency and authenticity

From 2000 to 2021, the number of executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants plummeted 63% to 508,000...

The role of personal assistants in the corporate world has been on the decline for decades. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has stepped in to fill the void, automating many administrative tasks and even crafting messages for executives. As AI's presence in the business world grows, its impact on office technology and the future of personal assistants raises important questions about efficiency, authenticity, and the value of human touch.

In March 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that the number of executive secretaries and administrative assistants dropped by 63% from 2000 to 2021 and is expected to decline another 20% by 2031. With AI-powered tools like Calendly for appointment scheduling and ChatGPT for drafting messages, businesses are increasingly asking executives to share assistants, use remote EAs, or go without.

"From 2000 to 2021, the number of executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants plummeted 63% to 508,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which forecasts another 20% decline by 2031." - Callum Borchers, Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2023.

On the other hand, executives are also turning to AI tools like Google's Bard and Microsoft-backed ChatGPT to improve their communications. However, the extent of AI's adoption remains unclear, as some leaders may be hesitant to admit using AI assistance for fear of appearing less competent or authentic. The question then arises: when does AI become a valuable tool for efficiency, and when does it become a crutch?

"I don’t think people care if you’re using tools to augment yourself,” says Steve Chase, who heads KPMG’s U.S. consulting practice. “I think they’re bothered when you lose the human touch.” - Callum Borchers, Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2023.

Table of Sources:

  • "Executives Lose a Coveted Status Symbol—Their Assistants," Callum Borchers, Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2023.
  • "The Boss’s Intelligence Might Be Artificial," Callum Borchers, Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2023.
Keywords: AI, personal assistants, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, office technology, executive roles, authenticity, efficiency, communication

Image Prompt: A split image of a personal assistant and an AI-powered digital assistant working at a desk, representing the shift from human to AI-driven executive support.

Search Question: How is AI replacing personal assistants and shaping executive communication in the business world?

Tweet: As AI steps in to fill the void left by dwindling personal assistant roles, businesses must balance efficiency and authenticity in the office. #AI #ExecutiveSupport

LinkedIn Intro: The business world is witnessing a shift in executive support roles as AI takes on tasks once handled by personal assistants. In this article, we explore the impact of AI on office technology and the challenges and opportunities it presents for efficiency and authenticity in the workplace.

Blog Intro: The age of personal assistants in the corporate world seems to be coming to an end, as artificial intelligence increasingly takes over their responsibilities. In this blog post, we'll explore how AI is reshaping executive communication and support roles, and discuss the importance of striking a balance between efficiency and authenticity in the age of AI-driven workplaces.

Instagram Caption: AI is changing the game in executive support roles. Can we strike a balance between efficiency and authenticity? 🤖📈 #AI #ExecutiveSupport #BusinessTechnology

Facebook Post: Executive support roles are in flux, as AI increasingly takes on tasks once handled by personal assistants. How will businesses navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI-driven office technology while maintaining a human touch? Check out our latest article to find out! #AI #ExecutiveSupport #OfficeTech

Conclusion: As AI continues to revolutionize the way executives communicate and manage their tasks, it becomes increasingly important for businesses to adapt and embrace these changes. By balancing the benefits of AI-driven efficiency with the need for authenticity and human connection, companies can ensure that technology serves to enhance the workplace experience rather than replace the human element. As we move forward into the future of AI-powered executive support, it is crucial for leaders to be aware of the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations that come with relying on AI, while also harnessing its power to drive growth and innovation.

Song suggestions related to the theme of AI and technology:  "The Machine Stops" by Level 42 is an appropriate song suggestion for the theme of AI and technology because it explores the idea of relying on technology and machines. The title itself is a reference to a science fiction short story by E.M. Forster, which presents a world where humanity is entirely dependent on a global machine for all aspects of life. The song can serve as a reflection on the potential consequences of over-reliance on AI and technology, as well as a reminder to balance the use of such advancements with human skills and intuition.

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