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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

22 Suggestions To Save Your #ManagedPrintServices Practice 2017 - REMASTERED

Original content, here, from DOTC, 2017.

I took my original story, back in 2017, and had it 'remastered' by AI.  

What do you think?  I like them all, even the dated suggestions number five is significant - and the song choice is subtle and nuanced.

"Integrate MPS into Managed IT services: MPS infrastructure should be integrated into Managed IT services to create a more comprehensive approach to technology management."


MPS Haiku:

Innovate to thrive,
MPS providers must adapt,
Stay ahead to succeed.

Google's Bard Joins the Chatbot Revolution: Will It Be a Tragedy or a Comedy?

Bard: the chatbot friend you never knew you needed

I don't trust Google.

There. I said it. But the devil you know is the devil you defeat. 

The company that once wanted to digest every document ever produced, like many before it, has become what it railed against in its infancy.  

Big Brother, SkyNet, Colossus, the Modern Prometheus; all of our nightmares, every Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, and X-Files episode home to roost.

Regardless, there are more important things to worry about, like Atmospheric Rivers, Seaweed Blobs, and Chinese Spy Balloons.  

Googles, "writers of satire and eulogies" will flounder as the filters, 'guardrails', and ethics seep into each prompt's response.*  

For now, in March of 2023, the range is free, the west wild.  Enjoy the bliss.

Inspiration, "Google Launches Bard AI Chatbot to Counter ChatGPT", by By Miles Kruppa at the Wall Street Journal. (paywall)

Greg says, "...rewrite the article in a funny, whimsical style to both entertain and inform..."

ChatGPT says, 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The BlackBerry Trailer: Rise Of The Keyboard Phone

Everyone types with their thumbs - like it has always been the way, but it hasn't.

If you didn't have a Blackberry, what did you have? 

There is a new movie coming out that outlines the history of one of the pivotal communication devices in history and we should all take a few minutes to remember it as we plunge into the next level, the next turn, and Next Generation.

From ChatGPT -

"The movie is based on "Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry" by Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff. Published in 2015, this book provides a detailed account of the rise and fall of BlackBerry.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated