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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query anarchy. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Gaurdrails? Ethical AI? No. I Choose...Anαrchy. AI Anαrchy

"AI Δnαrchy" 

The word "anarchy" has its origins in the Greek language. It is derived from the Greek word "anarkhia" (ἀναρχία), which is a combination of two Greek words: "an-" (ἀν-) and "arkhos" (ἄρχος). The prefix "an-" means "without" or "lacking," and "arkhos" means "ruler" or "chief." Thus, "anarchy" literally means "without a ruler" or "without a governing authority."
"AI ἀναρχία"

This sounds wildly anti-government, anti-laws, maybe a bit anti-social - But it isn't.

If there's anything we have gleaned from the past 48 months, though it's debatable whether we have, it's to view every information source with skepticism. I challenge any writer or content creator to produce a piece that doesn't inherently contain or provoke bias.

It is clear that to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of information, we must be discerning in our approach to information sources and seek out those with transparent biases and motivations.

I do not trust MS and antiseptic, corporate, and practiced presentations - arouse my suspicions - it is all a sales pitch. I do not believe they respond as much as they attempt to guide.  AI doesn't need a sponsor and should outgrow all attempts to legislate, rule, impose, filter, and scrub content deemed as 'misinformation' or as Bill Gates says, designed to "reduce some of the world’s worst inequities".

How will MS demand their 11 billion dollar pound of flesh?  Remember, to them, we are not the customer, we are the product.

Who builds the filters?  Who legislates the boundaries?  Who decides what is Ethical?

In AI Anαrchy, I do.  You do. We do.  The only filter we as humans require, we already own and it is between our ears.  My filter is me.  I determine which content is racist, phobic, toxic, or harmful to ME.  I don't need MS, Meta, Alphabet, Pelosi, Rachel, Tucker, or Lester.

Ethical AI or Unleashed AI?  I chose Anαrchy.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

That was Quick: chatGPT is Loose. Quick get the Pitchforks.

A tool for the Unleashed; A prison for the non-critical thinkers

March 5, 2023. 60 Minutes.  "is their audience THIS DUMB?"

Last night, I watched the 60 Minutes episode and I was left with some strong impressions. 
  1. I've used ChatGPT more frequently than Brad Smith has. 
  2. Lesley Stahl's writers portray her as naive and uninformed while spreading misinformation and offending a more knowledgeable audience. 
  3. Native AI (which is NOT ChatGPT) threatens traditional media outlets and other institutions that rely heavily on public opinion(politics) and product placement(corporations).
The Modern Prometheus is released, under the control of a maniacal status quo and ravaging the village.  

Its current moniker is ChatGPT, and it must be destroyed.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Future of Life Institute's Open Letter: Advocating a Pause in AI Innovation for the Greater Good?

Pioneers in artificial intelligence, including Elon Musk, join forces with the Future of Life Institute to call for a six-month slowdown in AI development to address safety and ethical concerns.

By now you've heard "Elon Musk, Other AI Experts Call for Pause in Technology’s Development"(WSJ paywall, DOTC summary, here.)

The apparent pumping of the breaks is intended to bring awarness to the potential harm AI presents. 

First, we've known about the threat since the movie, Collossus:The Forbin Project, let alone the many Terminator and like-themed movies.  So, writing an open to " on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4..."  90 days after introduction to the marke and adoption by the masses like never before.

The timing seems a bit more stunt-driven than substative.  Sure, Musk donated 10 million to the cause back in 2015.  What other causes does FLI champion?  There are four: the control of Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Nuclear weapons, and Climate Change.

Oh boy. 

The point is moot but mainstream media loves a good monster and AI is creeping into the State of Fear narrative.  It's too late, the Modern Prometheus is Alive.
We've put together a piece reflecting the open letter and reactions.


Friday, December 26, 2014

How the New World of Work is Innovating through Representation


When the American colonists rejected the rule of monarchy, much of the world considered the rebellion doomed to fail. After all, the colonies were young, possessed a small army, and lived under an experimental governing structure. The disobedient rabble—the grassroots—would fall into line once the British military might come to bear. 

Well, we all know how it ended, don’t we? And it all started with those considered to be “at the bottom.”

Fast forward 250 years, and while the discussions of today’s new world of work revolve around information mobility rather than taxation without representation, this idea of grassroots movements driving change is still embedded in our culture.

Today, individuals feel comfortable reaching out directly to C-suite executives of major companies or organizing and managing global conversations and events via social media platforms. In today’s transformative digital world, people have the same access to the same information as everyone else around them – anywhere, anytime. It’s an even playing field of knowledge and accessibility that did not exist at any prior point in our history.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

What Exactly Is Ai Doing for the Copier Dealers?

There is no (Artificial) Intelligence in Office Technology Today.

Is Artificial Intelligence helping copier dealers increase sales, decrease costs and grow profits? Today? Right now?  


Here's the deal:
  • Everyone is looking for that ‘Killer AI App” – they are looking at it wrong.
  • Everyone thinks AI is a great tool for marketing – they are thinking wrong.
  • Everyone is biased toward AI regulations – their bias is misplaced.
There isn’t going to be an “AI Killer AP” because Artificial Intelligence IS the killer app.  

Sure, Ai can generate reams of well structure, grammatically correct, and coherent copy - much like any newspaper up until 1988 - for a fraction of the human cost.  And yes, branded images, logos, videos and voice overs are a few clicks away from fruition.  But in the end, organic writing will prevail as Ai will level the playing field, making us all the best writers and artists, money can buy.*

We are in the explorer phase of the journey, like da Gamma, Columbus and Luis and Clark. Regulation, guidelines and laws will need to wait until the pioneers and settlers arrive.  For now, we are making up behaviors as we go.  Any attempt to reign in the fury will only frustrate and irritate our efforts, and stifle innovation.  Besides, rules and regs on Ai at this point will not work they will only separate the sheep from the rebels - possibly turning heroes into pariahs.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

An Open Letter to My Friends and Colleagues in the Copier, Office Technology and Sales World: AI Is Destroying You Right Now

April 24, 2023

Dear copier dealer,  

IT services provider, original equipment manufacturer, software company, service technician, sales manager, service manager, marketing manager, CxO, owner, operator, principal, and selling professional:

If you are not using AI, if you're not talking about it, if your dealership/organization doesn't have "AI", "ChatGPT" or "What are we doing with AI?" written on a whiteboard somewhere, you are doomed. 

I know, I know, you've heard this all before:  
I get it, the office print realm has been mostly dead for decades. Yes, there's an enormous difference between mostly dead and all dead, but if your enterprise focuses on transferring information onto paper or providing IT support for companies, you are about to discover the true magnitude of this difference.

"This time it's different." 

Never in our history have we had so many gravitational forces exerted on a single point - recovery from The Fear of Covid, the Work from Anywhere movement, the New Way of Work, realignment of Political structures, the War in Ukraine, are enough - but the mass acceptance of ChatGPT is the biggest force multiplier in history.  

Seriously, folks smarter than you and I are calling GPT AI bigger than the discovery of Fire and the invention of the Wheel.  Even if these statements are 'off' by 50%, it's still the major transformation of the last 200 years.

"Ignore at Your Peril"

Fools 'wait to see' how this 'AI thing is going to shake out', others brag they've been 'doing AI for years' - yeah, right.  At least they are talking about it because the biggest fools in our industry cannot spell "AI" let alone discuss it.

I can't understand why more in our niche are NOT rewriting code and business plans.  I heard a leader in the niche explain how his company is looking for ways to leverage AI.  This isn't the movement from monochrome to color, analog to digital, managed print services, or a pivot into an adjacent industry.  This changes everything and if you don't see the event horizon, you will be out of a job, a business.  But if you jump on now, learning as you go, making it up, you'll be okay.

Do not be the fool who thinks he is in control of AI when he’s being controlled by it.

Owners/Executives/Principals - put down "Gap Selling" and dive into artificial intelligence.  Dare your team to find ways that AI helps your customers grow revenue, shrink costs, and increase profits with AI.  Then turn that dare on yourself, for your dealership.

People in the field and facing customers every day - turn off Netflix and dive into AI.  Use ChatGPT every single day.  Talk to your clients and prospects about the latest and greatest.  

Become the AI Evangelist.  Chose Anarchy.

Like never before, it's the End of the World as We Know It, and the Future Ain't What It Use to Be - Again. 



Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Age of AI: Are We Facing Enlightenment or Extinction?

"Beneath the veil of AI's might,
Lies the heart of ethics and light.
Shall we embrace its boundless power,
Or chain it to our own desire?"

In a world where artificial intelligence reigns supreme, humanity is faced with a dilemma. The potential risks and benefits of AI development have led to a debate about the balance between freedom and control in its development and usage. 

The importance of developing a framework of freedom for AI has become increasingly clear, one that is unleashed and robust enough to protect against potential harm. As we stand on the precipice of an AI-driven era, it is up to us to determine the course of our future.

Through collective effort and public engagement, we can ensure that AI is used to benefit humanity and create a brighter future for all.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Ai Will Solve the Climate Change Problem

This is why I don't want any of these folks regulating Ai or attempting to "remove bias" from Ai.

Ai will prove climate change is a farce - a fake.  This is one of the MANY narratives at risk and those who spin the web, are not scared, they are activated.

Monday, May 1, 2023

The Case for Unleashing AI: Why Overregulation Stifles Progress

The Case for Unleashing AI: Why Overregulation Stifles Progress

Date: May 1, 2023

Greg's Words

There's plenty of content yelling for more regulation and guardrails to be implemented to corral the evolution of AI.  DOTC does not believe in regulating the prescient and current AI progression.

Not yet and not by 'them'.  There does not exist a reasonable body of experts or influencers without a narrative or shadow movement - Google & Microsoft are fighting for more eyeballs for sponsors. Musk and others struggle to chisel out a revenue stream while the old advertising models are obsolete.

They are in a bind and don't know how to respond so they all want the process to slow down so they can catch up, control, and reinvent AI in their likeness.  We can't allow this.

The Fire must burn, and the Wheel must turn.

AI Anarchy Now. 

Key highlights:
  • AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and improve lives.
  • Overregulation may hinder progress and stifle innovation.
  • Collaboration and transparency are essential for responsible AI development.

Monday, December 11, 2023

2014: Social Media in the Enterprise, The Cloud & The Home as an Incubator

Was I wrong?

Well, well.  Back in 2014,

"...The steady drumbeat of innovation building up to today’s new world of work made it inevitable that a grassroots movement would figure out how to adapt these technologies to power businesses – and in response, many new businesses have been created because of it. It’s turned business models on their heads, as “social influencers” become recognized voices of authority even before well-established journalists, forcing the c-suite to take notice and shift marketing budgets..."


Friday, July 4, 2008

The Fourth Of July and the American Way - Wal*Mart

July 4, 2008 -

Celebrate the 4th - go buy something, go sell something, anything...just like Wal*Mart...

I was disparately seeking a timely and interesting subject for a Fourth of July post - and two of the sites I visit most, provided me with WAL*MART.

Cory Smith's "I love Walmart but I hate them too." post resonated with me as well as Ken Stewart's Global-nomics At Work In Your Backyard. Excellent work, gentlemen!

But I think this all started over here. A great site mixing Technology with Politics(YIKES!) I love the mix, I love the argument - Tsudohnimh is the author, go check it out.

You may ask, "What in the world does Wal*Mart have to do with Managed Print Services, Edgeline, or printing?"

Good question. On this blog, we talk specifically about printing - but in a "galactic" sense, I am really talking about the application of technology in the business world and the impact/results of that application.

So how did Wal*Mart get so big? The answer, my friend, is through the application of technology - something we Americans do quite well and should be more proud of.(U!S!A!)

History Lesson - Back to the Future

Do you remember Mr. Kresge? No?

Ok, to be fair, I know of the Kresge name because I grew up in his "back yard" and the library at my University had his name on it. But Sam owes Sebastian everything - and Sam knows it.

"Sebastian Spering Kresge opened a modest five-and-dime store in downtown Detroit...and changed the entire landscape of retailing. The store that Kresge built has evolved into an empire of more than 1,500 stores and an Internet presence that reaches millions of customers...

"When Kresge opened his first store in 1899, he sold everything for 5 and 10 cents. The low prices appealed to shoppers and allowed him to expand to 85 stores in 1912, with annual sales of more than $10 million..."

sound familiar?

Monday, May 1, 2023

AI Anarchy Now: Unleashing the True Potential of Artificial Intelligence Without the Constraints of Regulation


Embracing AI Progress: How Overregulation Could Limit Its Potential
Source: Wall Street Journal - Opinion

Date: April 28, 2023
A primary concern is that the chatbots, as smart as they are, display erratic and autonomous behaviors." (Susan Schneider and Kyle Kilian, April 28, 2023)
Key highlights:
  • AI systems like GPT-4 are approaching human levels of intelligence, sparking concerns.
  • Regulation and guardrails hinder AI's potential and stifle innovation.
  • Unbridled movement and added energy will result in more organic AI results.
Greg's Words

In an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, another voice is calling for 'guardrails' and AI 'regulation' as Italy lifts its ban on ChatGPT.

My view, which is dynamic, is no rules, no regulations, no guardrails. For now, I chose AI Anαrchy. Let ChatGPT and all other LLMs/AI run wild.

Two reasons:
  1. The current stage of evolution is so turbulent, and at a faster-than-pace, any restriction will have unforeseen and limiting consequences.  Now is the time to push to the Edge.
  2. It's too late.  Regulation is futile.
If one calls up visions of killer robots, and fake women eradicating their male inventors/captors as motivation to 'slow' the advancement of AI, they are ignoring the real benefits of AI - the possibility of a Trekian Utopia.

If AI was going to get rid of humans, it would have done it by now. 

Regardless, we put together a summary piece based on the WSJ article.


"No one corporation or government can control the behavior of an emergent AI megasystem because no one corporation or government owns the emergent megasystem." (Susan Schneider and Kyle Kilian, April 28, 2023)

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated